quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2012


Sim. Acho mesmo que voltou a paz mesmo que só seja temporariamente.
Já consigo ver os horários das minhas cadeiras e consigo imprimir o meu horário. E tudo porque mudei para o Google Chrome.
Passo os dias com alivio das alergias, bastante alivio mas não por completo, e já é bom.

a vida anda as voltas

p.s. he usually goes on facebook around one o'clock. Just saying.

''The Universe is conspring in our favour, even though we may not understand how.''  Paulo Coelho

Maybe this is true. In fact I feel it is more true as days go by.
The things I have acctually wanted have come true. Some I just wasn't specific as to when I wanted them to happen. But maybe this can be considered luck.

''The secret of life is to fall seven times and get up eight times.''

Fear is one of the obsticles to living life.
And like my aunt said 'you have to take risks walking across the street is a risk'

I'm working on my fear, and realizing I'm scared of lots of things but getting over the fear is a relief especially with nasal spray to aleviate the effects of alergies.

2 comentários:

  1. "I'm working on my fear, and realizing I'm scared of lots of things but getting over the fear is a relief especially with nasal spray to aleviate the effects of alergies."

    Tu matas-me xD Mas sim senhora, estou a gostar de ler :)

    1. E está mesmo a ajudar. Consigo respirar !!! :D :P mas o Aerius também está. :D
