quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2012

rosalind again

Há coisas e dias que nos deixam sem palavras mas por isto porque como diz Saramago nem tudo o que pode ser vivido pelo o ser humano pode ser expresso através de palavras.

Como é que podemos exprimir o sentimento relacionado com um cheiro, com um toque, com uma memória.
Não podemos cada um vive os momentos marcantes da sua vida de uma forma pessoal.

Há quem tenha mais jeito para as palavras e que consiga fazer uma tentativa bastante boa.
Há quem possa descrever um primeiro beijo, uma primeira paixão, um primeiro olhar, um primeiro toque.

Talvez essa descrição se torne em literatura, pessoal ou publica.

O que há sem duvida nenhuma são momentos que nos marcam e são inesquecíveis  Talvez um dia querermos nos esquecer ou talvez nunca havemos de ter o desejo de esquecer.

Aqui a minha personagem do Princess in my Head vive um momento que ela diz nunca querer esquecer.

'' It was not a sunny october day. Nothing like she had imagine but Rosalind could not have imagined this moment even if she had tried.

First somethings don't always come when one expects them to.

The first time Rosalind kissed Orlando was a rather bi-polar day. The rain, sun, wind and thunder had all been there that day.

It wasn't the most romantic moment of her life but it was a defining one.
Under the canopy of oranging green maple leafs...

sábado, 20 de outubro de 2012

And so it goes


Every once in a while we close a chapter in our lives. It isn’t necessarily when we move or when we change schools. There are chapters that close when they choose to close. Life chapters don’t close necessarily when we decide. They close when we have truly moved on.

Chapters close when they decide and last as long as they want. There are things so wonderful and to be discovered in new chapters. The true key to new life chapters are true new beginning. We don’t decide our chapters life decides them for us sometimes.

It’s all about looking back and saying it was good, I enjoyed it as long as it lasted, it was nice but I don’t miss it not for one second because right now is even more beautiful. It has got it’s rainy days and grey skies and yet I still love it.

I know it won’t always be peaches n’cream and that there are days where the sun won’t shine but still I know that right now is where I should be, where I want to be and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Even if it doesn’t last very long it is beautiful and I am thankful.

domingo, 14 de outubro de 2012

Ser e estar mais nada

Há dias em que não nos apetece escrever.
Há dias em que queremos nos perder nos pensamentos, e nas memórias.

Há dias em que lembram-nos do sol a reflectir num lago e entrar por entre folhas de verde nos olhos de alguém.
Há coisas que esquecemos e há coisas que nos lembramos.
Mas também há coisas que esperamos nunca esquecer.
Como o riso dos nossos amigos, como um sorriso inesperado.

Nem tudo no mundo é beleza, mas também nem tudo é feio.
Se conseguirmos ter um momento de felicidade ou de alegria então talvez já tenha valido termos saído da cama nesse dia e termos enfrentado o mundo.

Não precisamos de muito desde que o pouco que tenhamos seja bom.

As vezes   procuramos definir as coisas que não têm definição.

Eu não sou definida.

Ninguém é porque a definição da vida, de estar vivo é sinonimo de mudança.

Dá que pensar. 

quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2012

O que é namorar?

Eis aqui respostas

  • O namoro, como já mostramos, é o tempo de conhecer o outro,

  • Tudo isto será vivido através de um diálogo rico dos dois, pelo qual cada um vai se revelando ao outro, trocando as suas experiências e as suas riquezas interiores, e assim, começa a construção recíproca de cada um,

  • O namoro implica no reconhecimento da “pessoa” do outro, a sua aceitação e a comunicação com ela

  • É não conseguir desviar os olhos ou tentar disfarçar e devorar com os olhos quando o outro se distrai.
  • É beijo roubado
  • Namorar é abraçar sem pressa de soltar

  • O namoro é uma forma de convivência, onde duas pessoas que se gostam passam bastante tempo juntas.

mas talvez namorar é quando temos coragem de dizer que estamos a namorar.

domingo, 7 de outubro de 2012

Shivers: From Fiction to reality

On my magic Mirror account I put a post:

''What im scared of is not flying. Its that perhaps for the first time, i am not afraid of flying.''

to which he commented:

 I am very scared too but i lost all the fear when i am with you.

I have come into a phase in my life where I try to be as realistic and grounded as possible but this sentence sends shivers down my spine. (The good kind of shivers)

I wonder if it's okay to see sunlight in a person's eyes.
If it's okay to see sun lit hills of brown earth.
To want to take someone's hand with the hopes that they will not lead us too far from the shore.

I guess it all depends on trust.

sexta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2012

And so it goes

Since my last post wasn't much of a post here goes the last part of that I have written from the Tales of a Cookie Princess- Princess in my head.

'' I was once the Cookie Princess, and I no longer know what I am now. Or perhaps it is only now that I know what I am.

I am me.

I am the self proclaimed First Rose Of Winter.

I am a girl, but ultimately I am a woman.

I am strong, I am beautiful and I am not sorry for who I am.
Only for what others unknowingly make me out to be.

     I had a crush on someone for a long time. Only when it became unbearable did I do something about it. Many little things that lead me nowhere but that allowed me to no confront reality. The reality that I feared was too disapointing.

  After some time I did something about it, and one week later I confronted the truth, and asked a question I had been asking myself for some time : Did he like me? The answer was mixed but it did answer my question.

He did, and he had .

But he would be a priest.

He admited he would never have had the courage to ask me if  I felt something for him.

I wondered if it was brave or just plain stupid.

I don't think I was either.

All I needed was closure, and above all the answer to a question that only he could answer.

It is better to have liked and lost than to never have liked at all.

    I took a shot and for the first time in my life I did something real. I seperated my myth from reality, and even though it doesn't end with 'and they lived happily ever after'  it's not a sad ending.

Like the prayer says 'Thy will, be done.'

quarta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2012

Getting it over with

So I told him I liked him.

The cookie prince is acctually a cookie priest.

 Talk about having a life that feels like a soap opera.